
分子育种研修班2024英文班9月举办 MBA 2024 Class Open for Application


分子育种研修班(Molecular Breeding Academy, MBA)是北京大学现代农业研究院、潍坊现代农业山东省实验室举办的分子育种理论、技术、平台和应用的高级研修班,每年举办一期中文班(为期两周)和一期英文班(为期七天),中文班5月举办,英文班9月举办。

2024年MBA中文班(第三期)将于5月12-24日举办,相关信息,包括前几期MBA班举办情况和本期报名请见:育种MBA | 2024分子育种研修班(MBA)第二轮通知


Molecular Breeding Academy – Class 2024 open for application

15-22 Sept 2024

Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences (PKU-IAAS)

Weifang, Shandong, China

Sponsored by

  • Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences (PKU-IAAS)

  • Shandong Laboratory of Advanced Agricultural Sciences in Weifang (SLAAS)

Participants and Eligibility

Molecular Breeding Academy is open for scientists, teachers, growers, graduate students, postdocs, and seed industry personals. The participants should meet the following requirements:

BS degree plus five-year experience, MS degree plus three-year experience, Ph.D. student, or postdocs, in the field of plant breeding.

The aspirants should be proficient in the following: sending and receiving emails; finding web resources through search engines; downloading and installing software and/or viewing electronic files; familiarity with using browser plug-ins (e. g. PDF reader, video, audio); and using a word processing, presentation software, or other relevant applications.

Ability of participating intensive learning courses, field trips and tours.

Registration fee

RMB5000 for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty; RMB7500 for industry participants. These fees include breakfasts, lunches, dinners, morning and afternoon break drinks, accommodations during the course work, field trips and tours to crop farming and marketing planned for the class.

Lectures/activities and schedule



The courses will be given by instructors PKU-IAAS/SLAAS, including:

  • Dr. Yunbi Xu, senior research professor, PKU-IAAS

  • Dr. Xingping Zhang, Deputy Director and senior research professor, PKU-IAAS

How to Apply

Participants can submit online registration through http://lgzajv4wvjfnebya.mikecrm.com/reRSbTZwith required information (CV, cover letter and required qualifications) or by sending email to MBA@pku-iaas.edu.cn, and pay the registration fee via bank transfer, bank information as below:

Beneficiary's Bank: Agricultural Bank of China Shandong Branch

Address: NO. 168 Jingqi Road, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China


Beneficiary Customer:

Customer Account Number: 15447014040000368

Customer Name: Weifang Beiqian Sci-Technology Services, Ltd

Customer Address: Xiashan Ecological and Economic Development Zone, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.

About Peking University Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences (PKU-IAAS)

PKU-IAAS was co-founded by Peking University and Shandong provincial government in 2017, to better serve the needs of rural development and agriculture sustainability in China. The institute takes the advantages of the strong scientific research and educational capabilities of Peking University and close connection with agriculture production and enterprises of Shandong province to become a new international research hub for research and talent development in advanced agriculture sciences (http://en.pku-iaas.edu.cn). The institute is located at the scenic site of Xiashan Ecological and Economic Development Zone, Weifang, Shandong. A well-designed lake-front campus, along with Shandong Laboratory of Advanced Agricultural Sciences in Weifang under construction, can host up to 100 labs and 2,000 researchers, students and visiting scholars. Equipped with state-of-art lab instruments and high-capacity data management super computers and servers, PKU-IAAS will develop as a leading research institute and training center for genetics, agricultural biotechnology, genomics and breeding, agricultural product development, and agricultural policy.


About the Molecular Breeding Academy

Global demand for agriculture products is expected to double by 2050, largely due to improvement in the worldwide standard of living. However, climate change poses a significant threat to agricultural production, impacting biodiversity and crop environments. This Molecular Breeding Academy is specifically designed for personnel in seed industry. It offers a rare opportunity to develop talents and equip conventional breeding to address the challenges of sustainable agricultural production in this Information Age. The Academy focuses on staying up-to-date with current knowledge and technology-driven breeding methods with the purpose of sustainably improving crop productivity. There is growing interest in understanding genetic, genomic and biotechnological tools and integrative strategies for plant breeding, which is driving significant research in this field. Within this complex background, this Academy will provide professional skill-based and knowledge-oriented trainings to the scientists, teachers and graduate students in agriculture; focusing on recent trends in molecular breeding.

Aims & Objectives of Molecular Breeding Academy

  • To decipher the basic and molecular, technological advances and know-how on molecular breeding.

  • To gain understanding and insights about molecular breeding as a basic tool for crop improvement.

  • To gain insights about genetic advances in breeding resistance to disease and pests.

  • To grasp the knowledge of basic techniques for building all molecular techniques, new opportunities to enable plant breeding addressing challenges of sustainable crop production in this information age.

  • To get inspired from the success journeys of different industrial experts.

  • To generate ideas for sustainable crop production by reshaping the future of plant breeding.

Key references


Xu, Y. 2010. Molecular Plant Breeding. CABI Publisher, Wallingford, UK

Bernardo, R. 2020. Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants. 3rd edition, Stemma Press, Woodbury, MN


Gao, C. Genome engineering for crop improvement and future agriculture. Cell 184 (2021) 1621-1635.

Hickey, L.T., A.N. Hafeez, H. Robinson, S.A. Jackson, S.C.M. Leal-Bertioli, M. Tester, C. Gao, I.D. Godwin, B.J. Hayes, B.B.H. Wulff. Breeding crops to feed 10 billion. Nat. Biotechnol. 37 (2019) 744–754.

Varshney, R.K., A. Bohra, J. Yu, A. Graner, Q. Zhang, M.E. Sorrells, Designing future crops: Genomics-assisted breeding comes of age, Trends Plant Sci. 26 (2021) 631-649.

Wallace, J.G., E. Rodgers-Melnick, E.S. Buckler. On the road to breeding 4.0: Unraveling the good, the bad, and the boring of crop quantitative genomics. Ann. Rev. Genet. 52 (2018) 421–444.

Xu, Y., X. Zhang, H. Li, H. Zheng, J. Zhang, M.S. Olsen, R.K. Varshney, B.M. Prasanna, Q. Qian, Smart breeding driven by big data, artificial intelligence and integrated genomic-enviromic prediction, Mol. Plant 15 (2022) 1664–1695.

Xu, Y., P. Li, C. Zou, Y. Lu, C. Xie, X. Zhang, B.M. Prasanna, M.S. Olsen, Enhancing genetic gain in the era of molecular breeding. J. Exp. Bot. 68 (2017) 2641–2666.

Xu, Y., X. Liu, J. Fu, H. Wang, J. Wang, C. Huang, B.M. Prasanna, M.S. Olsen, G. Wang, A. Zhang, Enhancing genetic gain through genomic selection: from livestock to plants. Plant Comm. 1 (2020) 100005.

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